In the second half of 2012, Eurodiaconia sent the European Commission its assessment of the implementation of the Active Inclusion Recommendation. The Recommendation was adopted in 2008, and since then the Member States had to implement the principles outlined in the document (although a Recommendation is not legally binding). We were able to give feedback on 6 countries thanks to the contribution of our members in those countries. On the whole, it seems that member states have not implemented the three pillars of the active inclusion strategy (access to quality social services, inclusive labour markets and adequate minimum income) in an integrated way. In particular it seems that employment has been emphasised over the other pillars. The Commission’s official report will come out at the beginning of 2013 as part of the new Social Investment Package. We hope that Eurodiaconia’s input has been taken on board in the report. Thanks again to those members who have us feedback from your country.
Tags: Policy Paper