Eurodiaconia is a European network of churches and Christian NGOs providing social and healthcare services and advocating social justice.
The work of Eurodiaconia is carried out in cooperation with members through topical networks and coordinated by the Eurodiaconia’s secretariat in Brussels
Eurodiaconia is a registered AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) in Belgium.
Eurodiaconia advocates for empowerment and social justice by linking members’ experiences with EU policies, working to represent the voice of social and health care service providers, for a people-centered approach to policy-making and economic governance.
Social Services & Healthcare / Social Innovation / Migration / Roma Inclusion / Extreme Poverty / Social Inclusion / Just Transition
The Social Europe Academy is Eurodiaconia’s capacity-building programme for members. The programme includes training, workshops and other initiatives on EU funding, advocacy, communications and other themes that build the skills and knowledge base of our member organisations, reinforces mutual learning and promotes collaboration.
Eurodiaconia is active in multiple policy areas related to the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Europe and to the promotion of social and health care services to foster social cohesion.
European Pillar of Social Rights / European Election 2024 / Mental Health Inclusion 2023
Eurodiaconia supports its members regarding external & EU funding through monitoring the publication of calls for proposals by the European Commission and other European organisations, sharing information about funding opportunities to the membership and supporting them with the application process or connecting them to project partners.
Helpdesk EU Funds / Funding Toolkit
Eurodiaconia’s diaconal work encompasses everything from emergency relief and healthcare to social services and community development, aiming to embody compassion and solidarity as central values of faith in action.