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Helpdesk-5 Key Factors to improve the use of EU Funds for Social Inclusion

From "Starting from the Needs" to "Fostering Collaboration", here are 5 key factors to ensure an enhanced use of EU funds

The social services sector is experiencing a surge in demand, creating a pressing need for quality care and support. To address this, the Helpdesk project was launched, dedicated to facilitating access to EU Funds for social services. Navigating the complexities of these funds can be challenging, prompting the consortium to focus on evidence gathering and support structures in the initial phase.

Now, in the capacity-building phase, the consortium is actively working on solutions to streamline bureaucratic processes. Drawing from their findings, five key factors have been identified to enhance the use of EU Funds for social inclusion:

  1. Starting from the Needs:Prioritizing the social needs of vulnerable groups is paramount. The project initiated an evidence-gathering phase, including a survey, to understand perceptions and barriers across the 27 Member States.
  2. Making EU Funds Intelligible and Social-Friendly:Recognizing the need for accessibility, the Helpdesk has crafted a user-friendly website, simplifying EU funds for social services. The knowledge map provides insights into fund structures, aims, and objectives in each Member State.
  3. From Beneficiary to Practitioners:Addressing the lack of training, the Helpdesk is developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), training sessions, and a Booklet of Promising Practices to empower social service providers.
  4. Making the Most Out of EU Funds:Acknowledging the complexity of accessing and managing funds, the Helpdesk is creating facilitation tools to optimize the process, set to be available by January 2024.
  5. Fostering Collaboration:Emphasizing the importance of collaboration between Managing Authorities, social services, and the European Commission, a Technical Guidance is in the works to maximize the social impact of funds, available by January 2024.

Explore these factors and a wealth of resources on the Helpdesk project’s website. Gain insights, access training opportunities, and embark on a journey to maximize the potential of EU Funds for social inclusion.

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Read the full press release here!

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