Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) is looking for Partners to develop a proposal for Interreg Central Europe
Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) is looking for consortium partners to respond to the call for proposals of Interreg Central Europe for peripheral and lagging areas.
Specifically, HIA is interested in Programme Specific Objective (SO) 1.2 – Strengthening skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship. The target groups are(mostly) Roma communities living in peripheral/lagging areas of Hungary in extreme poverty and social professionals working with the Roma communities.
The overall objective of the call is to “pioneer solutions for peripheral and lagging areas, making them more attractive to live and work in”. Consequentially, the call has a territorial and thematic focus and will address small-scale projects. The indicative budget is around 14 million Euros ERDF. In this call, individual consultations with the joint secretariat are compulsory before submitting a proposal. The deadline for submitting proposals is on 10 December 2024.
HIA is one of Hungary’s largest internationally recognised charities. It is a strategic partner of the Government of Hungary and a qualified partner of the European Union’s Humanitarian Aid Fund, the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), and the UN agencies. HIA operates 50 social and protection institutions in fields such as combating domestic violence, child protection, providing comprehensive support to Ukrainian refugee people, providing comprehensive assistance for people affected by addictions, homeless people, and minority groups in lagging regions.
Interested organisations from the Interreg Central Europe countries: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia can directly contact HIA: Edit Mester () / Gabor Balint (.) / Gabor Boross ().
For more information about the call, please visit the call page here.