On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Eurodiaconia wants to raise awareness of the persistent and pressing issue of poverty in Europe, as 21.4% of the EU population was at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2023¹. Among the most affected are vulnerable and marginalized groups, including children, as 1 in 4 children in the EU are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Poverty and social exclusion affect people in all aspects of their lives and therefore need comprehensive solutions; some of those solutions already exist and must be implemented. 

Eurodiaconia’s members work tirelessly to support the most vulnerable. Their experiences highlight that the faces of poverty are manifold and diverse: Material deprivation remains a harsh reality for nearly 30 million people in Europe or 6.8% of the EU’s population². Additionally, many of those facing material deprivation also lack access to essential services such as water, sanitation, or energy. Notably, 8.3% of Europeans live in poverty despite having a job³; with young people, people working in part-time positions, and larger households with dependent children being particularly vulnerable. These diverse examples show that poverty and social exclusion can take many forms; therefore, the solutions must be equally varied and targeted.  

Recognizing this diversity, Eurodiaconia members have developed comprehensive approaches to address poverty and social exclusion. Our Czech member Slezska Diakonie has established a family support service to help disadvantaged families facing social challenges and exclusion. Slezska Diakonie works closely with the parents and empowers and activates them to create a stable family environment where their children can thrive and build functional relationships. The goal is to find targeted solutions for diverse challenges, such as over-indebtedness or unemployment, but also access to health care, education, and adequate housing conditions for their children.  

Another innovative example is provided by our Dutch member Kerk in Actie, who introduced a decentralized food aid system to support people in need. Using their churches across the country as a drop-off point, they provide food aid to vulnerable people and complement the traditional food banks that can no longer take in the high demand of people in need. This way, Kerk in Actie opened another path to reach people in financial distress, invite them to their debt counselling program (SchuldHulpMaatje), and thus provide a holistic support network for those in need.  

Today, we call for action: The European Pillar of Social Rights has been a step in the right direction, laying the basis for further political action to address poverty and social exclusion, acknowledging a broad range of rights that all EU citizens should have access to. The targets to lift (at least) 15 million people out of poverty and eradicate homelessness by 2030 must remain a core ambition of the new European Commission and Parliament and unfold through the announced EU Anti-Poverty Strategy. The strategy must empower people for a sustainable transition that provides training, employment, and housing opportunities for all. Social inclusion must be at its centre, so that access to essential services, adequate minimum income schemes, and health support become a reality for all, but especially for disadvantaged and marginalized groups. To ensure social inclusion and to build resilient societies, social and healthcare services need to be adequately funded, and social investments must be prioritized. Such a comprehensive strategy is key to delivering a social Europe where everyone can thrive and live in dignity.



1 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Living_conditions_in_Europe_-_poverty_and_social_exclusion&oldid=641429#Poverty_and_social_exclusion  
2 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Living_conditions_in_Europe_-_material_deprivation_and_economic_strain#Severe_material_and_social_deprivation  

3 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/ilc_iw01__custom_12437099/default/table?lang=en