
Eurodiaconia members share common values through their work as service providers and active advocates of children’s rights and child well-being. This specific approach is the base for high-quality social services provision and advocacy principles calling for a policy framework centered on child well-being.

Eurodiaconia has recently finalised its report taking stock of the implementation of the European Commission recommendation ‘’Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage’’ (2013/112/EU). Eurodiaconia members were asked to evaluate key developments in their national legislative framework in relation to the three pillars listed in the recommendation: access to adequate resources, access to affordable quality services and children’s right to participate. The overall message is that the Recommendation ‘’Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage’’ has generally had a positive if limited impact. Important gaps remain and more efforts and investment are crucial for a better implementation of the recommendation. This report will be sent to the European Commission ahead of the European Commission publication of its staff working document on the implementation of the recommendation, expected to be published at the end of March or early April.

Our members offer a wide range of social services to children instead of a limited number of specialized ones. In doing so, they empower families and therefore children, by tackling a variety of issues that ultimately impact children.

To learn more about our message taking stock of the implementation of the European Commission recommendation, check out the Implementation Report (EN).