Our member in the Netherlands, Kerk in Actie (Church in Action) is developing a new initiative in 2017 concerned with Food Security. The project, called Criteria Spotlight Support-Voedselzekerheid 2017 (Food Security Spotlight 2017) focuses on the importance of food security in developing countries, and the challenges of attaining it. The project aims to tackle specific obstacles to food security, including climate change, urbanization, migration of young people, and the position of women in communities.
To further develop the scope and reach of the project, Kerk in Actie is offering financial support for projects and initiatives also working in the field of food security.
As part of their ongoing work in providing support and aid in projects around the world, Kerk in Actie sees the Support Food Security Spotlight as an opportunity to strengthen poor communities by ensuring the population has access to adequate and varied food that is sustainable and sufficient. At present, the initiative is set to be implemented in 34 countries.
Interested organisations in the Netherlands can respond to this call to action up until the 30th April 2017.
To find out more about the Food Security Spotlight Initiative, as well as eligibility to be considered for funding through Kerk in Actie, you can visit their website.