These days, we hear a lot about conflicts between religious and belief communities. However, there is also another side: religious and belief communities reaching out to each other and offering help to those in need, irrespective of their religion or belief. During this lunch meeting, hosted by Dennis de Jong, co-chair of the Intergroup, we shall hear about their best practices. These exchanges will be preceded by a keynote speech from Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the recently appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief. The event will take place in the European Parliament in Brussels on the 25th of April, and it will see two representatives from our Dutch member Kerk in Actie taking part in the panel discussion.



Welcome, sandwich lunch

Opening and Introduction, Dennis de Jong, MEP

Keynote speech The positive role of religion & religious freedom in promoting peace

by Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief


  • Elizabeta Kitnovic/Rachel Bayani (EPRID)
  • Field expert: Milad F Dagher- Evangelical Christian Alliance Church Response to the Syrian and Iraqi Refugee Crisis in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq

Kerk in Actie

Religions for Peace

  • Nahla Aldelmoety Hussein (SB Overseas, Religions for Peace)
  • Field expert: Galina Kolodzinskaia – Interfaith Council, Kyrgyzstan

Islamic Communnity of Bosnia-Herzegovina

  • Senaid Kobilica (Representative of the Islamic community of Bosnia-Herzegovina to the EU)
  • Field expert: Sabina Arnaut Jahic – International Forum of Solidarity – Emmaus, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Wrap-up, Dennis de Jong and all participants.

Registration for access badge: send your full name as in passport, date of birth, nationality, passport or ID card number to by the 18th of April