d80ddb46-c689-4fd0-8381-8cd127f4392fOn 17-19 June, our German member Kaiserswerther Verband-KWV celebrated its 100th anniversary under the motto ‘’100 years towards the future.’’

The celebrations took place during the Annual General Meeting of the organisation, which was hosted at the Evangelical Deaconess House Teltow Lehnin in Berlin, Germany. It was attended by around 350 participants, including distinguished guests from different churches and diaconal organisations, and was an occasion to reflect on what has been achieved over the past one hundred years, as well as the new goals in the years to come.

In her speech, Christa Schrauf, President of Kaiserswerth General Conference said: “In a world that is rapidly and dramatically changing, the culture of charity is more than ever an attractive orientation.’’

Kaiserswerther Verband is made of 70 diaconal institutions in Germany, with approximately 50,000 employees, 1,600 deaconesses and 3,000 diaconal sisters and brothers in around 50 hospitals, 100 old people’s homes, schools, kindergartens and workshops.

The three-day event continued on Saturday with the KWV ceremonial event at Villa Elisabeth in Berlin, and ended with a Sunday worship at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in the very city centre.

Find out more here (DE).