Connecting faith and social justice through action

PUBLICATION: Labour Market Integration of Third Country National Women

This overview of Eurodiaconia Membership Work and Best Practice Examples focuses on labour market integration challenges from a gendered perspective.

Today, Eurodiaconia publishes “Labour Market Integration of TCN Women: Overview of Eurodiaconia Membership Work and Best Practice Examples” The publication focuses on labour market integration challenges from a gendered perspective and highlights best practice examples of some of our members’ activities and initiatives that tackle integration challenges and enhance women’s access to employment.

Challenges Faced by Third-Country National Women in Accessing the Labour Market

Equality of treatment and opportunities in the labour market must be guaranteed for both women and men, irrespective of their racial or ethnic background, in accordance with Principles II and III of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

However, despite constituting approximately half of the migrant population worldwide, third-country national (TCN) women are one of the most excluded groups in terms of accessing the labour market. Facing intersecting inequalities due to their status as women compounded by their migrant or refugee status, they encounter greater difficulties to secure quality employment and to access training, language courses or integration services.  

Rooted in unfavourable labour market conditions, inequalities in access to employment are further exacerbated  by other interlinking factors such as gender roles, family obligations, lack of childcare and conciliation, as well as their administrative status. These challenges collectively increase TCN women’s vulnerability to social exclusion, poverty, and exploitation in the labour market. 

Towards Holistic Integration: Intersectional Approaches and Best Practices

This reality emphasizes the importance of holistic integration programs and policies that adopt an intersectional approach. Addressing the multifaceted challenges encountered by TCN women seeking employment requires consideration of the various dimensions of inequality and discrimination faced by this group, including factors such as gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, migration status, age, sexuality, religion, and disabilities. 

Eurodiaconia membership is committed to delivering comprehensive labour and social integration services. Our members play an active role in every aspect of refugee and migrant reception and integration, covering all stages from immediate emergency aid to long-term integration initiatives, including facilitating access to social services, education, housing, and supporting labour market integration and social inclusion. 

The present overview has been developed based on our members’ input and best practice sharing, following the Eurodiaconia Migration Network meeting in Paris in September 2023, focusing on labour market integration challenges from a gendered perspective. Mapping the activities and projects implemented within our membership, this overview showcases good practice examples that tackle integration challenges with a focus on enhancing women’s access to employment. On this, e invite you to read this publication alongside Eurodiaconia’s Guidelines for the Integration of Migrant Women. 

You can also find more about Eurodiaconia’s position concerning the inclusion of migrant women on the EU Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion, and other EU initiatives here.


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If you wish to receive more information on this topic, please contact our Communications & Membership Engagement Officer Donal Brady.