Earlier this month, the European Commission has published various factsheets detailing the European Union’s role in supporting member states in managing migration in different areas. The country-specific factsheets are aimed at providing a break-down on how 8.6 billion long-term EU funding and 2.6 billion emergency funds have been used in member states.
In particular, the factsheets give more information on the funding the EU has provided to member states as well as its operational support on the ground when dealing with the different issues connected to migration. For instance, EU funding has been supporting the Member States to improve reception conditions, provide accommodation, healthcare and provision of food. Funding has also contributed to improving access to fairer and more efficient asylum procedures, better protection of children and unaccompanied minors, equipment for border surveillance, search and rescue at sea and assisted voluntary return
and reintegration programmes.
A new Emergency Support Instrument was set up in 2016 to address large-scale humanitarian needs within the EU and has been funding emergency support operations addressing the needs of migrants and refugees in Greece after the major migration flows of the past years.
Eurodiaconia is active in advocating for a Social Europe which ensures the integration and social inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, reflecting the priorities of our members providing social and healthcare services to these communities. Our upcoming Migration Network Meeting in Greece will provide members of our network with the opportunity to come together to discuss, learn and share best practices regarding the integration and inclusion of migrants and asylum seekers. The meeting will focus on migrant children and youth, and how to integrate this particularly vulnerable group.
If you are interested in more information regarding the migration factsheets, please consult the EU Commission’s website.
If you are interested in our work on migration, we encourage you to read our latest policy paper.