Migration Network Meeting 2024

10 -11 October 2024, Athens, Greece

(Member-only event with invited guest speakers)

The 2024 Migration Network Meeting will take place in Athens, in cooperation with our member Apostoli on the 10th to 11th October.

The meeting will be dedicated to the topic of the role of social services providers in shaping the migration narratives for inclusive societies. Among the topics being discussed will be 

  • the role of non-profit service providers and diaconal organisations in shaping migration narratives,
  • the challenges and opportunities for effective community-building and inclusion
  • advocacy campaigns which bring communities together and create inclusive and welcoming societies. 

In addressing these issues, the meeting will serve as a key platform to reinforce the existing network of faith-based organisations working for and with migrants and refugees. Additionally, it will facilitate aligning our advocacy efforts at EU level with your national realities. 

For information regarding the venue, the hotel and getting there, see ‘Practical Info.’ A full agenda and schedule of events can be found by clicking ‘Programme’. Finally, as always after the meeting, a selection of the presentations will be made available by clicking the ‘Materials’ button.  

Looking forward to seeing you in Athens!