How, Colorful words hang on rope by wooden peg

How, Colorful words hang on rope by wooden peg

This week the European Commission has launched its consultation on a ‘European Pillar of Social Rights’. Designed to promote upward convergence in social policies in EU Member states – particularly those of the Eurozone – it identifies nearly thirty areas of social and employment policies where action could be taken.

But here is our first concern. The European Commission makes a lot of analysis of needs and what should happen, but nothing on how that should happen. Moving from ‘’what’’ to ‘’how’’ and monitoring implementation must be developed over the coming months of this proposal if we want to have any success in achieving better social outcomes in Europe.

Along with our members – who have huge experience in moving from the ‘’what’’ to the ‘’how’’ – we will be participating in this consultation in the hope that we will finally be on track to achieve a truly social Europe.

Have a good weekend,