Our partner Social Services Europe, the largest European umbrella organisation representing non-profit social and health care providers including Eurodiaconia, has published a new Position Paper explaining why social services should be a priority focus for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework.
The paper “Enabling social services through the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2020: a European Imperative” highlights the importance of targeted investment for Social services of general interest (SSGI), which are, as defined by the European Commission, employment and training services, social housing, child care, long-term care and social assistance services.
As explained in the policy document, social services play a crucial role in the continuous development of the European social model, as well as to the EU’s values, principles, rights and strategies. Therefore, the next European Multi-Annual Financial Framework should reflect the importance of EU contribution to the continuity of social services sector and ensure sustainable investment towards increased quality and innovation.
Social Services Europe brings together eight Europe-wide networks of not-for-profit providers of social and health care services, representing over 100,000 organisations who have a strong track record in providing value-driven services for millions of the most disadvantaged persons in our societies. The organisation aims at advocating for the accessibility, affordability and availability of quality social and health services all across Europe.
To learn more about the proposals and recommendations of Social Services Europe, please read the Position Paper.
To know more about Social Services Europe, please visit the network website.