erasmus-plus-1024x736Eurodiaconia has produced an updated briefing on the EU rules applicable to state aid for social services.

State aid and, in particular, its control constitutes a key element of the EU single market and a cornerstone in safeguarding free and fair competition across Member States. In parallel to this, state aid also has a key role in guaranteeing that the provision of social services reaches users’ groups whose needs would be unmet under a pure market logic.

The briefing stresses the specific nature of social services in state aid rules and clarifies when public subsidies constitute state aid, when state aid needs to be notified and when state aid is altogether incompatible with EU rules.

Following previous activity on the topic, Eurodiaconia would welcome members’ feedback on issued related to the funding of social services through state aid, especially those related to the complexity of notification procedures, the granting of written entrustments in accordance to the Decision rules or the need to revise the de minimis threshold.

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To access the briefing, please click here.