Our partner the European Platform for Rehabilitation recently launched a new e-Learning module on Co-production and Mental Health promotion.

The module aims to provide relevant information and explore how co-production approaches can be used to promote mental-health and wellbeing. In order to do so, the e-learning module is divided in three sections: 1) coproduction, 2) Mental Health and 3) interlinks between the previous. Each section includes relevant resources such as policy papers, research, good practices, informative videos or testimonies. Each section is divided in “Thematic sub-sections”.

Eurodiaconia has contributed with a video on mental health promotion. In it, we share our ideas on what mental health promotion means and why it is important to the society.

The contribution draws upon Eurodiaconia position on the topic Caring for people’s mental health and the mapping of services for people with mental health issues among our membership recently published on our website.   


To know more about the e-larning module, enroll in course for free.

To read more about Eurodiaconia’s position and work on mental health, check our recent policy paper and mapping.