The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) published a report on ‘’ Poverty, gender and intersecting inequalities in the EU’’. This reports highlights that young people, single parents, migrants, people with disabilities, and families with three or more children are most at risk of poverty. The study reveals that in 2014, over 122 million people in the EU lived in households that were considered poor, i.e. they were at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE). Of these 122 million, 53 % are women and 47 % are men; more than half (55 %) are of working age (25 to 64 years old); 30 % of the poor households have children. Almost one fifth of the poor in the EU-28 (19 %) are children below 16 years of age, which is equivalent to almost 23 million children living in poor households. The report was prepared at the request of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU (2016) and is part of EIGE’s regular work to monitor progress in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.
Find the report here (EN).
Eurodiaconia members as diaconal service providers play an important part in tackling child poverty by supporting child well-being on the national and local level, among others through the operation of kindergartens, schools and care facilities for children with special needs. In 2016, we published a concept note titled ‘’Child well-being from a diaconal perspective’’ examining the added value of the diaconal approach in the fight against child poverty and discussing potential future cooperation on child well-being in a EU context.