The Communication “Making Public Procurement work in and for Europe”, published on 3 October, aims to carry out procurement more efficiently and in a sustainable manner.
The need to boost the uptake of social criteria in awarding public contracts is among the priority areas for improvement identified in the Communication, which commits to update guidance on social procurement between now and the end of 2018.
Eurodiaconia has been actively involved in the discussion of the rules on public procurement and the changes introduced by Directive 2014/24/EU. This included guidance offered to our members aimed at ensuring that social criteria contained in the Directive were incorporated into national legislation during the transposition and implementation stages. For more information on the key messages on how to promote social criteria in public procurement, we invite you to consult the briefing.
Eurodiaconia will assess the implications of this last EU initiative on public procurement and will publish a briefing for members on the new Communication in the coming weeks.