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Publication: Food Aid & Cost Of Living Crisis Across Europe

Publication provides updated observations and recommendations to EU Institutions for the 2023 mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and for any upcoming work aiming at alleviating food poverty

Last April 13, 2023, Eurodiaconia and the Red Cross EU Office (RCEU) organised a roundtable event on food aid in the context of the cost-of-living crisis in Europe at the European Parliament, co-hosted by MEP Brando Benifei and MEP David Casa.

The event aimed at examining the continuous demand for food aid across Europe, main issues encountered by organisations when delivering food and the always troublesome access to EU funds to provide support to people in need.

Based on these discussions, this publication provides updated observations and recommendations to EU Institutions for the 2023 mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and for any upcoming work aiming at alleviating food poverty:

  • Support nonprofits. Social service providers and NGOs are bridging the gap between government support and the true cost of living, but they need more and better access to funds, more sustainable investment, and stronger support.
  • Ease access to funds. Enhanced cooperation amongst NGOs and with national managing authorities of EU funds and simplification in the EU funds regulation and structure is necessary.
  • Protect existing social inclusion priorities. Implementing the Action Plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights requires higher ambition. Better access and programming of ESF+ to comply with existing funding earmarks is needed.
  • Systemic change is needed. Food aid should remain an emergency response and must not be normalized. Thus, long-term solutions and systemic change are needed to address the root causes of poverty.

To learn more about this topic, you can access the full publication here.

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