Connecting faith and social justice through action

New Report: Alternative Models of Financing Social Services

Social services ensure that people enjoy their human and social rights and live in dignity. They respond to the needs of vulnerable citizens and are based on the principles of solidarity and equal access.  

However, these services require adequate funding. Due to demographic change, the impact of COVID-19 and the ongoing Russia’s aggressive war on Ukraine coupled with changing societal needs and rising energy costs, the funding situation today for social services remain crucial. Thereis need now more than ever for sustainable financing for quality social services. The sector needs a favourable ecosystem to continue providing essential services for persons in need. 

In this regard, in 2021, we published the report ‘Funding gaps for social services – The perspective of Eurodiaconia members’, discussing funding models Eurodiaconia social service providers work with. In the past months, we received additional information highlighting challenges some of our members are facing with the use of Public Procurement. 

In this report update therefore we discuss the current funding models that Eurodiaconia members and social service providers work with, the challenges they face with the existing models and  alternative funding models.  

We also make recommendations to the European Commission, for example to improve the accessibility of EU funds by removing bureaucratic obstacles and administrative formalities, furthermore, to provide clear guidance on EU funding opportunities to managing authorities.   

You can access the full report here 

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