Our partner Social Services Europe is organising a debate on “The role of Social Services in Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights“, to be hosted by MEP Georgi Pirinski (S&D) at the European Parliament in Brussels, on 24 April 2018. 

The event aims to gather key EU policy-makers and stakeholders to address the key role of social services for the effective implementation of the principles enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights. As the Pillar is entering its key implementation phase, SSE would like to engage into a dialogue with policy-makers to show why social services play an essential role in operationalising the principles in the Pillar and should hence be promoted as key enablers of such goals. To this aim, a new SSE position paper on the topic will be presented and discussed with stakeholders at the event.

Social Services Europe (SSE) is the largest European umbrella organisation representing non-profit social and health care providers, bringing together eight networks including Eurodiaconia, and representing more than 100.000 social and health care providers in Europe.

To know more about the debate, please visit the event’s page on Social Services Europe website.