Different calls for proposals were published under the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants for projects supporting the inclusion and empowerement of Roma in Romania.
The call includes seven different strands, each with its own aims, funding amounts and deadlines. Here below you find a short summary of each one of them:
1) Local Development Programme (call 1): enhancing Roman inclusion and empowerment. Deadline is on the 18th of December 2019
2) Local Development Programme (call 4): increased use of social services by disadvantaged groups. Deadline is on the 18th of December 2019
3) Education Programme: education, scholarships, apprenticeships and your entrepreneurship programme. Rolling deadline until the 30th of June 2022
4) Research Programme: call for collaborative research projects. Deadline is on the 16th of December 2019
5) Active Citizens Fund: civil society and active citizenship strengthened, and vulnerable groups empowered. 1st round already took place, 2nd round forthcoming – estimated date in the 2nd quarter of 2020.
6) Health Programme: forthcoming.
7) Culture Programme: call on cultural entrepreneurship, cultural heritage and cultural cooperation. The call is forthcoming.
If you are interested in any of the calls please consult the calls overview, or visit the interacting funding portal.
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