The “Observatoire Social Européen” (OSE) released its position on the Europe 2020 midterm review. In its position “Putting the fight against poverty and social exclusion at the heart of the EU agenda : A contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy” the OSE presents the social context as well as the shortcomings in the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy (inadequate target setting, lack of progress) and finally goes on to regret that the social dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy has been so weakly prioritised. The OSE recommands that all member states have adequate minimum income schemes, as a key starting point to strengthen the sustainability and adequacy of income support. Other recommendations concern the importance of goin back to implement previous commitments and strategies such as social investment and active inclusion.
For more information:
OSE, Frazer, H., Guio, A.-C., Marlier, E., Vanhercke, B. and Ward T. (2014) – OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.15, October 2014. “Putting the fight against poverty and social exclusion at the heart of the EU agenda : A contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy”
Europe 2020 midterm review – European Commission public consultation