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POLICY PAPER: The Future of Social Services

Across Europe, social service providers face mounting pressures, including rising demands due to an aging population. How should policy makers respond to this?
New Policy Paper

Today Eurodiaconia launches its most recent policy paper entitled The Future of Social Services: Creating a Better Eco-system for Social Services for a Resilient Society.

As a European network of churches and NGOs, which represents over over 33,000 service centres and more than 1 million staff and 1 million volunteers, Eurodiaconia is well placed to emphasise the critical role of social services in fostering social cohesion, inclusivity, and resilience. The paper highlights the growing urgency to reform and invest in social services to support Europe’s evolving social needs.

Challenges in Social Services

Across Europe, social service providers face mounting pressures, including rising demand due to an aging population, funding cuts, and workforce shortages. The lack of uniform definitions and regulatory frameworks complicates their delivery, creating disparities between regions. Climate change and digitalization further challenge providers to adapt their services sustainably.

The Need for Action

Eurodiaconia’s latest policy paper stresses the need for a robust legal and financial ecosystem for social services. It calls for policies that enable sustainable financing, promote social innovation, and integrate digital tools, while ensuring service quality. For instance, simplified public procurement processes and enhanced state aid regulations are essential to align funding with growing demand.

Recommendations for the Future

The paper outlines six key recommendations:

  1. Social Investment: Advocate for targeted national budgets and sustainable financing models.
  2. Digitalisation: Support technology adoption in service delivery while prioritizing human interaction.
  3. Procurement Reforms: Incorporate social and quality criteria into public procurement processes.
  4. State Aid Adjustments: Clarify and simplify regulations to encourage support for essential services.
  5. Sustainable Financing: Increase EU and national funding for long-term infrastructure and innovation.
  6. Quality Standards: Enhance user involvement and workforce development to ensure accessible, high-quality services.

Amid economic and environmental shifts, prioritizing social services is both a moral and strategic imperative for a cohesive Europe. Governments and stakeholders must act decisively to build an inclusive, resilient society.

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