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Report out Now ! Eurodiaconia’s assessment of the National Roma Strategic Frameworks

On the occasion of International Roma Day, Eurodiaconia is publishing our assessment of the National Roma Strategic Frameworks. International Roma Day is a day to celebrate Roma culture, language, and history, and to raise awareness of the antigypsyism and discrimination still faced by Roma around the world to this day.

Eurodiaconia received feedback from our members who are working on Roma inclusion on the content of their National Roma Strategic Frameworks and we compiled this feedback in addition to our own desk research in this report. In line with the EU Roma Strategic Framework on Equality, Inclusion, and Participation, the National Roma Strategic Frameworks will guide national policy and action on Roma inclusion for the next decade. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that these plans include ambitious goals, clear and effective plans and actions, and strong monitoring frameworks in order to achieve Roma equality, inclusion, and participation as well as improved socio-economic status in the coming years.

Eurodiaconia welcomes the plans of Member States and accession countries to improve Roma equality, inclusion, and participation, and is particularly interested in the intersection between antigypsyism and social protection. Therefore, our brief assessment of these national plans includes current gaps and positive elements of each plan with a focus on social protection, including access to education, social services, housing, and employment.

The next ten years provide an opportunity to not only improve the socio-economic situation of many of Europe’s Roma, but to allow for full equality, inclusion, and participation for all Roma in Europe. Therefore, it is essential that national plans make the most of this opportunity by setting the stage for real change to occur with and for Roma. Eurodiaconia members are committed to partnering with their national governments and local authorities in the implementation of these plans and continuing to provide quality social services with and for Roma.

To read the full report click here.


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