On 20 June 2016, Eurodiaconia’s partner ERIO (European Roma Information Office), organised an advocacy roundtable on education and arts for inclusion. The topic was meant to discuss the main achievements and issues concerning the META project, which aims to advance the eradication of barriers that cause inequality in the European Education systems.
The main aim of the META project (Minorities groups Education Through Art) is to use art as a vehicle of integration and equality for students with difficult backgrounds. This is based on the idea that arts improve students’ motivation, concentration, confidence, teamwork, cognitive ability, critical thinking, verbal skills, among other key competences. Briefly, the use of art in classes is closely related to students’ academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, equitable opportunities of inclusion in the Society as a whole.
META therefore aims at providing an in-depth knowledge of effective methodologies to use different art forms to reduce disparities in learning affecting pre-primary and primary pupils from minorities groups including Roma. The development of an innovative and collaborative teaching and learning methodology for European teachers that will contribute to social cohesion, European citizenship social economic inclusion and economic growth.
The META project is co-Founded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
If you would like to get learn more about this project, get involved or contact it for more information, check the project website (EN).