Connecting faith and social justice through action

Social Europe Academy


Capacity Building News

Publication: Eurodiaconia’s New Guidelines to Tackle Anti-Roma Racism
Eurodiaconia is pleased to present an updated Guidelines on Tackling Anti-Roma Racism, a critical resource to support our members and partners in addressing systemic discrimination against Roma communities across Europe. 
Members-only funding activities
Upcoming activities on funding and Social Europe Academy
Helpdesk – EU Funds for Social Services Final Conference on April 16th
Helpdesk project consortium underscores that “investing in social services and funding quality social inclusion projects, including through EU Funds, is essential in driving forward a social and inclusive Europe with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights at its heart”.
EU funding: Mapping of managing authorities and national agencies
Eurodiaconia has compiled this list of national ESF+ and Erasmus managing authorities
Helpdesk-5 Key Factors to improve the use of EU Funds for Social Inclusion
From "Starting from the Needs" to "Fostering Collaboration", here are 5 key factors to ensure an enhanced use of EU funds
Eurodiaconia Updated Guidelines on Roma Participation in 2023
Roma inclusion cannot be achieved without following a participatory approach, where Roma individuals and/or communities are actively engaged at the various stages of projects or service delivery
Briefing for Members: Council Recommendation on Adequate Minimum Income
Minimum income schemes, the current state in EU member states, and the key points of the Council Recommendations.
HELPDESK workshop facilitator and expert on EU social funds required
Eurodiaconia is looking for a consultant with the required expertise to develop templates, guidance and to lead three workshops related to the HELPDESK project.
The first European Helpdesk on EU funds for Social Services is live!
Eurodiaconia and the 15 partner organisations involved in the Helpdesk project are thrilled to announce the launch of the new Helpdesk website. With this new website, social service providers and managing authorities in all EU Member States can find tailored support and advice on how to access and use EU funds.