On April 30th, the Social Protection Committee (SPC) will hold a discussion to take stock of the progress made by the Member States in implementing the 2018 Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs). The SPC will share its main findings in relation to the implementation of the 2018 CSRs in the areas of social protection and social inclusion. Reforms in the area of the pensions systems, healthcare and long-term care will also be particularly reviewed.
The Social Platform, Eurodiaconia and the EAPN are invited to share their inputs, based on their members’ feedback and continuous work on the European Semester cycle.
Eurodiaconia is actively working on the European Semester. Following the publication of the draft 2018 CSRs, Eurodiaconia published a policy paper to provide a general analysis of the employment, social and health aspects of these recommendations, in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights. The aim of this publication was to provide suggestions for the final 2018 CSRs.
After the 2018 CSRs have officially been endorsed by the European Council, Eurodiaconia drafted input suggestions for the redaction of the 2019 Country Reports, based on its membership’ feedback on the implementation of the 2018 Country specific recommendations.
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