The Erasmus+ project “Q-Europe” (2017-2019), under the leadership of our member Slezska Diakonie (CZ), partnering with Eurodiaconia, Diaconia Valdese (IT) and the University of Trnava (SK), explored what quality in Long-Term-Care (LTC) means in Europe today. The consortium developed the Q-Europe Handbook for managers and practitioners on how to ensure, maintain and improve the provision of high-quality service provision in LTC. The Handbook looks at the concept of quality in LTC care through a human rights-based approach. It aims to show that quality management is not a bureaucratic process but rather an exciting way to improve the quality of life of LTC users.

The Handbook Launch event will take place on the 18th of June in Brussels, and it will look at challenges and trends of LTC in Europe through interventions by the European Commission, civil society and first-hand practitioners, framing the launch and introduction of the Q-Europe Handbook and ample time for discussion and exchange about why quality & impact measurement is increasingly important and how the Q-Europe Handbook can contribute to better service provision across Europe.

Please register for the event through our registration form by the 7th of May 2019.

For more information contact our Policy, Projects & Research Officer Florian at