Early this week, the European Commission has published the draft country-specific recommendations. These recommendations (part of the European Semester cycle) adapt priorities identified at EU level to the national level. They aim to provide policy guidance tailored to each EU country on how to boost jobs and growth while maintaining sound public finances.
On Tuesday next week (11th June from 10.00 -11.00), Eurodiaconia will be holding a webinar to explain more about the recommendations and how they fit into the Semester cycle. It will provide an opportunity to draw attention to those elements of the recommendations that are most relevant to our members, and to help us identify the key priorities of our members that we should prioritise in our future communication with the European Commission.
Please register for this webinar by 7th June 2019 at the latest. If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact our Policy Officer Laura at laura.rayner@eurodiaconia.org.
To view your country’s recommendations, you can download them in English or in your national language.