Connecting faith and social justice through action

Statement: Extreme Flooding in Central Europe

Eurodiaconia expresses its deepest solidarity with the people and communities affected by the severe flooding in Central Europe, including Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. Our thoughts and prayers are with our members there and those who are affected.

Update on Extreme Flooding in Central Europe 26/09 

Eurodiaconia expresses its deepest solidarity with the people and communities affected by the severe flooding in Central Europe, including Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. Our thoughts and prayers are with our members there and those who are affected. 

Diaconal organisations, are central to civil protection and crisis response, with services deeply embedded across these regions. They work closely with vulnerable populations, ensuring that support reaches those most in need during these critical moments. Their frontline role in identifying, assisting, and channelling aid to those impacted by disasters like this is crucial, and we stand by them in this mission. 


Our member Diakonie Österreich are relaying the call of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe who are appealing for donations to flood relief started as part of the Austria Helps Austria initiative.


Diakonie Deutschland, are also relaying the call of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe to support people affected by the flooding in not only Austria, but indeed in Poland, Czech Republic and Romania. Local partners are working around the clock to provide assistance and donations can be made from this link here. The goal is to raise 100,000€.


Many eparchies of the Romanian Patriarchate have mobilized multiple eparchies to support victims of severe floods in Galați County, where over 500 households were damaged, and around 20,000 people displaced. His Eminence Patriarch Daniel initiated the relief efforts on September 14 by donating 100,000 lei (approx. 20,000€) )from the Romanian Patriarchate’s Philanthropy Fund. Following this, other dioceses and organizations began contributing financial and material aid. The church’s unified effort demonstrates national solidarity, with appeals urging compassion and generosity for those affected. For more information on how to support the relief efforts in Romania via bank transfer. His Eminence Archbishop Cyprian, Archbishop of Buză and Vrancei, says in a message to the faithful:

“Thanking you for the love and generosity you have shown in previous years towards the disaster victims and refugees from Turkey, Syria, Armenia and Ukraine, we express our hope and conviction that you will show greater love also to our brothers of the same nation, so sorely tried, at the beginning of this new Church year.” 

Czech Republic

“Not only small villages, but also large towns are cut off and uncontrollable waters roll through their streets.” In response, Diaconia ECCB humanitarian team followed by the first group of volunteers went to Jeseník area in north Moravia where they are helping mainly in Česká Ves and Písečná. Together with our volunteers and thanks to donors Diaconia ECCB

  • monitor the extent of damage and needs in the affected households
  • provide psychosocial assistance and crisis intervention
  • lend equipment such as dryers, power generators, pumps and small appliances

You can click here to donate to Diaconia ECCB’s fundraiser to help people affected by floods. 

Meanwhile in Krnov, Czech Republic, our other Czech member, Slezská diakonie is appealing for volunteers and financial assistacne. Unfortunately, the situation has directly affected Slezská diakonie services at their Hlubčická Street 9 and 11, where the service and special school at SPC were hit extremely hard. High tide water swept away all equipment, special supplies, rehabilitation equipment and much more…. There’s a lot of mud everywhere and everything is ruined. Other services in Krnov region that are affected by the floods are in the Town of Albrechtice and the Girls Castle. You can support their work here.


Our member, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, have launched an extraordinary fundraiser, and continue to tour the towns in critical condition with staff and consulting with local leaders to assess in where and what support can be provided. They have helped several settlements with high performance pumps for example, and over 25 of their volunteers have connected with the soldiers, civilians and students in Kismaros. In the Magyar Ökumenikus Segélyszervezet tent, the organisation provides food, drinking water, coffee and tea to the workers on the dams and take part in the logistical tasks needed on the spot. The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid (HRCA) has coordinated a response to the floods resulting from Storm Boris along the Danube River. Volunteers are packing and setting sandbags at designated sites in cities along the Danube, and the HRCA Search and Rescue Team is assisting in flood protection by contributing rescue equipment and experts at the most vulnerable sites. Learn more about their activities over the past week and how to support here.


Our member, Diakonia of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church are accepting monetary donations via there website now. The organisation would like to thank you for every gift from our hearts, every donation is of great value!

Closing Remarks

Eurodiaconia reaffirms its unwavering support for the people and communities affected by the severe flooding in Central Europe, including Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. We continue to keep our members and those impacted in our thoughts and prayers while monitoring the situation closely and amplifying calls for support from our committed members. The work of diaconal organizations remains vital during times of crisis, as they provide essential services and support to vulnerable populations in the aftermath of this severe flooding. Eurodiaconia remains steadfast in standing by them in this important mission. If you are a Eurodiaconia member providing assistance in the affected regions, please contact us so we can further assist.


27/09/2024 12:00pm CET 

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