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The Council agrees on Prudent Position on the 2024 EU Draft Budget

On the 12th of July, the ambassadors of member states to the EU (Coreper) reached a common position on the 2024 EU draft budget.

Overall, the Council adopts a more prudent approach, proposing a decrease of 771,91 million euros from the 189,3 billion euros proposed by the Commission. The Council proposes reducing spending on the single market, innovation and digital cohesion, resilience and values, natural resources and the environment, migration and border management, and security and defence. The only area that the Council proposed to raise was the heading titled ’Neighbourhood and the world’ in humanitarian aid in order to maintain the same level of humanitarian support and respond to the consequences of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

 Next steps

The member states aim to formally adopt its position on the draft general budget for 2024 via a written procedure ending on September 5th 2023. This will serve as a mandate for the Spanish presidency to negotiate the EU 2024 budget with the European Parliament.

You can find more details on the Council’s website.

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