The European Commission launched a call for proposal under the EU4 Health Programme (EU4H) titled “Action Grants 2022 – first wave (EU4H-2022-PJ)”. The EU4Health programme is EU’s response to COVID-19, which has had a major impact on medical and healthcare staff, patients and health systems in Europe. By investing €5.1 billion, therefore becoming the largest health programme ever in monetary terms, EU4Health will provide funding to EU countries, health organisations and NGOs.
Mental health is an integral and essential component of health. It is critical to individual well-being, as well as to social and economic participation. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the total costs arising from mental health problems accounted for more than 4% of GDP across the Member States (Health at a Glance: Europe 2018). Although many Member States have policies and programmes to address mental illness at different ages, the distribution of these actions is uneven throughout the life course. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has immediate and long-term consequences, including on mental health, which require action that focuses on vulnerable groups, including children, and refugees and migrant populations. Hence, there is an acute need to increase awareness, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the area of mental health. The main objective of this call for proposal is to increase awareness, knowledge generation and sharing, and capacity building in the area of mental health. Activities will include the transfer of best practices on children’s and adolescents’ mental health and well-being. Specifically, the actions will support interested stakeholder organisations, to come together to discuss and exchange mental health practices and knowledge, to implement validated best practices and evidence-based projects. The activities should focus on the needs of specific and/or vulnerable groups, in particular children and adolescents. The actions developed by civil society and health professionals’ organisations to improve mental health, namely by exchanging and implementing best practices, and implementing activities that will increase awareness, knowledge sharing and support for health professionals’ training, including the development of necessary guidance and/or training material, such as video tutorials, manuals, etc.
The deadline for applications is the 24th of May 2022.
For more information, please visit the Commission’s website.
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