The European Commission launched a new call for proposal under the EU4 Health Programme (EU4H) titled “Call for proposals on promoting mental health: implementing best practices to improve mental health and psychological wellbeing in migrant and refugee populations (EU4H-2022-PJ2)”. The EU4Health programme is the EU’s response to COVID-19, which has had a major impact on medical and healthcare staff, patients and health systems in Europe. By investing €5.1 billion, therefore becoming the largest health programme ever in monetary terms, EU4Health provides funding to EU countries, health organisations and NGOs.
The Ukraine crisis has an unprecedented impact on the mental health of the displaced people in the EU coming from Ukraine. The conflict and experiences of people in war zones, and during the process of displacement, is having a negative impact on the mental health of that population, and in particular on the most vulnerable groups among them. The main objective of this call for proposal is to increase awareness, knowledge generation, and sharing, and capacity building to improve mental health and psychological wellbeing in migrants and refugee populations, with a special focus on Ukraine’s displaced people, via the implementation of promising and best practices and guidance. The activities are about exchanging and implementing best practices that will increase awareness, knowledge sharing and support for health professionals and NGOs working with refugees. Specifically, the actions will support interested stakeholder organisations, to discuss and exchange mental health practices and knowledge, to implement promising and best practices and evidence-based actions. The activities should focus on the needs of Ukraine’s displaced people who are mainly located in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries or in other EU member states and support for NGOs and health professionals speaking Ukrainian/Russian who work with Ukrainian displaced people.
The deadline for applications is the 31st of May 2022.
For more information, please visit the Commission’s website.
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