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The European Parliament highlights its budget priorities for 2024

On the 28th of March the Committee on Budgets adopted a resolution to ensure that the 2024 budget addresses people’s concerns and delivers on their needs and priorities. Among the priorities for next year’s EU budget are a stronger economy, energy independence, green and digital transitions, youth and tackling geopolitical challenges. The European Parliament highlighted the following priorities:

  • Boosting the EU economy, energy independence, green and digital transitions

MEPs underline that SMEs remain the backbone of the European economy and that EU programmes dedicated to their support need robust funding to generate economic prosperity and quality job creation. Also, further resources are vital for the EU’s Horizon research programme. Moreover, adequate funding for EU health initiatives should ensure that the EU can respond effectively to future health crises. In the resolution, MEPs recall the central role that the EU budget plays in delivering on the European Green Deal and achieving the Union’s climate neutrality goal by 2050 at the latest. The guidelines highlight that enhancing energy security and independence remains fundamental for the EU, especially in the context of the war. MEPs call for additional investment in critical infrastructure, energy storage, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

  • Supporting the young, respond to global and geopolitical challenges

MEPs recall that the pandemic was particularly difficult for young people and insist that all possible funding should be mobilised through Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps to support learning mobility opportunities, improve people’s skills and employability and promote young people’s participation in democratic life.

Next steps

The vote in plenary is scheduled during the 17-20 April session. The Commission is expected to present its proposal for the 2024 budget in June 2023. Next year’s budget has to be agreed between the Council and the Parliament by the end of this year.

You can find more details at the Parliament’s website.

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