On November 17, 2022, the EU launched a new toolkit to inform young people in the regions, especially in the most remote or disadvantaged areas, about all opportunities, training and career options the EU and cohesion policy can offer to them. It aims to attract young people of diverse backgrounds to take advantage of the wide range of opportunities the EU offers to them.
The toolkit includes stories from the regions and highlights some of the EU’s programmes and events such as the Youth for Cooperation and Youth4Regions, the Erasmus+ and the European Year of the Youth 2022. Moreover, it informs about EU Careers, such as Traineeships and Junior Programmes or working as a contract agent for the EU. The toolkit is in English only, but most of the information included in it is also available in all other EU languages on the European Youth Portal and the EPSO website.
We believe that EU Programmes and events dedicated to young people are an important opportunity for youth to thrive.
Please find out more about Eurodiaconia’s work on youth here.