food aidThe European Commission has now approved the operational programmes presented by Member States and the process is taking place at national level to establish partnerships. Half of these programmes combine food and basic material assistance. If you are interested to receive some of this funding and collaborate in the establishment of this fund, please contact your national managing authority (the list is available here).

For an overview of the different Operational Programmes, check the news section on the official European Commission FEAD web page.

The European Commission will present a mid-term evaluation of FEAD to the Parliament and Council by 31 December 2018.


Background on the FEAD:

The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (“FEAD”) replaces the former EU food aid programme (the European food aid programme for the most deprived persons (PEAD), which has been running since 1987, relying on Common Agricultural Policy funds. Eurodiaconia released a briefing which provides general information on the new fund. The fund’s scope has been expanded to include the possibility for Member States to use their allocation to provide food distribution aid and basic material assistance, but also social inclusion measures for the EU’s most deprived citizens. The briefing is accessible here.

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