On 17-18 May, Eurodiaconia ran its Urban Partnership Seminar on Youth focusing on political radicalisation prevention through social inclusion in Germany, hosted by our member Diakonie Düsseldorf.
The aim of the event was to share projects from within the Eurodiaconia network and to better equip our members to detect radicalisation early on and to get input from international experts on the topic. Based on their work and the inputs of the seminar, participants developed a set of policy recommendations towards national and European decision-makers.
Speakers included experts on youth work and radicalisation prevention from Belfast and Brussels as well as representatives from local authorities informing about their work on the ground with young people. Project presentations from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and Ukraine set the scene for fruitful roundtable discussions and policy development from a diaconal perspective.
More detailed information on the event and the topics covered can be found in the full event report.
For any additional information, please get in touch with our Policy, Projects & Research Officer Florian at florian.tuder@eurodiaconia.org.