Supervisory Board and Staff members

The highest decision-making body of Eurodiaconia is the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is hosted by alternate member organisations across Europe.

The AGM decides on the strategy and work plan for the coming year which is monitored by the Supervisory Board. Members are elected for 4 years.

The Board currently consists of:

Olli Holmstrom

  Olli Holmstrom

Diakonissalaitos, Finland

Cristian Pavel

Cristian Pavel

Filantropia Timișoara, Romania


Rollaug Waaler_2

Rollaug Waaler

Haroldsplass Foundation, Norway

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Agnieszka Jelinek

Diaconia Poland, Poland

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Alessandro Esposito

Diaconia Valdese, Italy

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Malte Lindenthal

Diakonie Deutschland, Germany

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Alfredo Abad

Iglesia Evangélica Española,Spain

The work of Eurodiaconia is carried out in cooperation with members through topical networks and coordinated by the Eurodiaconia’s secretariat in Brussels, it is staffed by:

heather roy

Heather Roy

Secretary General

Areas of work

  • General Coordination
  • Internal and External Relationships
  • Economic and Social Policies
  • Faith in Social Care

Languages: English, French


Clotilde Clark-Foulquier

Deputy Secretary General

Areas of work

  • Coordination of policy work
  • Social impact of the green transition
  • Employment and social affairs
  • European Semester / Recovery and Resilience
  • European Pillar of Social Rights

Languages: French, English, Spanish

Vera Nygard

Vera Nygard

Head of Membership Services, Projects & Engagement

Areas of work

  • Membership services
  • Projects and Partnership development
  • Capacity building
  • EU Funding

Languages: English, Swedish, Finnish, French

andrea final

Andrea Witt

Head of Operations

Areas of work

  • Finance
  • Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Organisational Development
  • Annual General Meeting

Languages: English, French, Hungarian

Kewan Mildred

Kewan Mildred

Senior Policy and Membership Development Officer

Areas of work

  • Social Services
  • Social Economy
  • Social Innovation
  • Healthy Ageing
  • Long-Term Care

Languages: English, French, Dutch


Lana Pope

Office and Events Assistant
+32 2 234 38 61

Areas of work

  • Events
  • Office management
  • Administration


Languages: Croatian, English, Swedish


João Verdelho

Policy Assistant

Areas of work

  • Social Services
  • Social Economy
  • Social Innovation
  • Healthy Ageing
  • Long-Term Care

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish


Andrea Sánchez Caballero

Policy and Membership Development Officer

Areas of work

  • Integration and Inclusion of Migrants
  • Roma Inclusion
  • Anti-discrimination

Languages: Spanish, English, Basque, French


Glenis Balangue-Dalkiran

Membership and Capacity Building Officer

Areas of work

  • Membership management and administration
  • Membership engagement and capacity-building
  • Social Europe Academy
  • EU Funding

Languages: English, Dutch, Filipino, Ilokano


Annika Sparrer

Policy and Membership Development Officer

Areas of work

  • Access to Employment
  • Extreme Poverty
  • Social Inclusion

Languages: English, German, French


Karina Smreková

Policy Assistant

Areas of work

  • Integration of Migrants
  • Roma Inclusion
  • Extreme Destitution
  • Child Poverty

Languages: Slovak, Czech, French, English


Donal Brady

Communications & Membership Engagement Officer

Areas of work

  • Members Update newsletter
  • Social media
  • Website management
  • Brand design

Languages: English, Irish

Statutes and Finance

Eurodiaconia is a registered AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) in Belgium. Our statutes are available in English and French. Our internal rules are available in English.

We receive support from the the European Commission under the ESF+ programme 2022 – 2025.

We receive membership fees, whose system takes into account the economic capacity of each member, as well as solidarity contributions.

Eurodiaconia accounts for 2023

Annual General Meeting

The highest decision-making body of Eurodiaconia is the Annual General Meeting. Each year our members decide on the strategy and work plan for the coming year and discuss any other pressing issues.